As I was too careless this morning, I had to find a sunny place in the studio to work and not to feel like dying inside. The day LOOKS good but it still FEELS a lot cold. While finding my paradise of sunshine, I discovered this, A
beautiful tiny comfortable spot where I could smoke and write evt I
want, without too much noise. Getting there is quite dangerous, I went
half way then had to go back. I'm terrified of height.
Một nơi bí mật để hành nghề và vô cùng tệ hại với sức khỏe. |
Khung cảnh nhìn ra bên ngoài khá rộng. K có nhiều nhà cao tầng mà toàn nhà ngói đỏ, vườn cây um xùm. Mình nghĩ chẳng bao lâu nữa sẽ k còn cảnh này nên tranh thủ ngắm để dành. |
Thật tuyệt khi ở trong một ngôi nhà toàn tranh. |
.JPG) |
Moi thứ đều ấm áp dù nhiệt độ vẫn khiêm tốn. |
couldn't arrange my stuffs in orders, I don't think it was necessary. I sat down, made some researches about fashion - culture in the 20s and found amazingly real, imperfectly perfect information. I wondered why we'd
never learned those things before, we only focused on what was boring
and not true instead.
Cốc trà k đc uống, clutch tự làm, tạp chí k tự mua, sổ để ghi chép tất cả mọi thứ. |
The studio is messy, which is totally suitable for creative ppl to make their art comes true. I walked around with a thirst of getting all those designer's clothes on my body, feel the elite needle work and enjoy the essence of fashion. The quality, I mean.
Một góc nhỏ của studio. |
Bàn làm việc trên cả tuyệt vời! |
Tất cả những thứ mình may đều bằng tay và máy may là 1 thứ xa xỉ :D |
Ước gì đống vải kia về đội của ta !! |
Có nên quay trở lại trường học k nhỉ? |
I've came across some confused minds lately. Some of my friends can't make their minds up between passion/talent and reality, which is bullshit. I disapprove the way older ppl keep telling us 'Get real', and can't stand the fact that we young ppl are going to surrender. There's no reality or imagination. You decide. I'm making money with what I love. I'm building plans and ladders for my dreams from small to bigger and the biggest. I'm not in college now, fashion is my education. After 5 months, I've become a completely different person, without any school, just what I love. It's beyond all 12 years I spent for books and homework. It's hard to adapt to this lifestyle, I know it takes time. So the only thing I can do for my dear friends is encouraging them, making them feel better and believe in themselves. I'm so proud of my friends, they're so talented, potential and strong.
Yeah :D |
The sooner you follow your passion, the quicker success comes to you (pardon my rhythm). If you have any problem of that, we should talk. I don't mind if we're strangers or friends-who-just-know-the-names, the society needs you, I wanna be your friend. I haven't got to anywhere yet and I still have so much to learn, but I'm not going to stop. I'll try food photography, graphic design, opening a dessert restsurant, PR & Marketing, styling, writing, learning new languages, help my sister make her dream come true and more. As long as I live, I'll learn and do evt I can. So will you.
Mở tạp chí và thấy đúng trang này. |
Ảnh trên tạp chí đẹp hơn tn rất nhiều. |
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